Action horror
What happened in the trailer? The trailer consists of a basic story line being shown, with text on the screen to give a back story of the film. Then a lot of action and quick shots of the vampires (antagonists).
Which positive, clever or interesting aspects do you think you could include in your own trailer? What generic features were fulfilled well? The trailer works very well due to many different aspects. The most obvious being the tempo of the trailer. It starts off quite slow with a really quick jumpy attack on a woman and after that has hooked the target audience the main body of the trailer begins, with a slow start and slowly picking up pace in the traditional horror film trailer way building excitement . There is lots of action in the trailer and quite scary scenes. People being snatched through windows and pulled under houses along with canted angles, restricted narration of people being killed and collision cutting all work together in creating a typical horror trailer, that’s works very effectively. Instead of a cheesy voice over there are blank screen shots of text in a classy simple font which gives the film a sense of class and decency. The text is easy to read and very informative giving the audience a feel of what the film is to be about. The sightings of vampires are only very brief and create suspense as you cannot see them properly, causing the target audience to want to see the film so they can get a proper look at the very well done (body horror) vampires.
Which aspects of the trailer did you think were unsuccessful and would put of its target audience? How is it disappointing? The only thing the film lacked was body horror. This is due to the trailer being a 12a to broaden the target audience but this gives the impression the film isn’t very gory, an aspect which would put off many horror fans.
What was the trailers average score in class? Why did it receive this mark? The overall mark was 9. This shows the trailer worked very well and this is because there were many horror features included. The pacing of the film worked wonderfully building suspense and then an action packed ending. The trailer makes the film look like a very good action horror. Also the idea of a vampire attack in the arctic where night lights for 30 days is a very original and clever idea.
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